Irum Proteins , We are a company handling sustainable feed ingredients from Marine,Poultry and Insects . Our global footprint combines with local insights to give us capabilities few other companies have –ensuring that we get the very best ingredients from around the globe to our customers, wherever they may be.
Introduction: In 2023, the European Union (EU) animal feed production faced a tough year, with an estimated 2% decline, roughly 2.4 million tons less than in 2022. Let's explore the key factors influencing this drop and what we can expect in 2024.
Key Trends in 2023: Weather and Diseases Impact: Unpredictable weather, like floods and droughts, disrupted the raw materials used for animal feed. Animal diseases such as Avian Influenza (AI) and African Swine Fever (ASF) added stress to the production capacity.
Government Rules in Play: National rules, focusing on reducing greenhouse gases and nitrate emissions, played a big role in shaping the animal feed market. These rules were responses to the challenges posed by climate change and animal diseases.
Changing Tastes and Costs: Shifts in what consumers wanted and rising food prices affected feed production in different EU countries. Some, like Germany and Denmark, saw a 5% drop, while others, like Austria and Italy, had a modest increase.
Challenges in Specific Sectors: Pig feed production faced a tough time, with Germany and Denmark seeing significant declines due to lost export markets and negative media Poultry feed production had some positive trends, but Hungary and Czechia faced challenges with declining poultry broiler production.
Cattle Feed Production: Cattle feed production decreased due to issues like water scarcity in Spain and low milk prices. Some Eastern European countries benefited from good grass growth, reducing the need for industrial cattle feed.
Outlook for 2024: The future for animal feed demand in 2024 is uncertain, with factors like diseases, economic uncertainty, and high food prices continuing to be challenges: Weather issues and increased imports of poultry products from Ukraine add more complexity.
"Green and animal welfare" policies might impact the market for livestock and feed production.